Friday, May 11, 2012

SEAHRN Conference 2012: Registration Fees

For Registration Forms, email or visit our official website:

Be Part of Southeast Asian Human Rights and Peace History!

What a Good Abstract Looks Like

From Reflecting on Gender Equality and Human Rights in Evaluation, UN Women (2012)

Case-based Gender Process Monitoring

By Kyoko Kusakabe,
Associate Professor and Coordinator of Gender and Development Studies,
School of Environment, Resource and Development, Asian Institute of Technology


Gender monitoring is difficult to implement, either because of the lack of gender analysis technical capacity in the field, and/or because of lack of time and budget, and/or because of lack of commitment. (Common Facts, categorical statement that can be tested as ‘true’ or ‘false’.)
However, the recent closer attention paid to monitoring has provided an opportunity to mainstream gender monitoring into the whole project monitoring scheme. (The first hint of argument: there is solution for problems or another perspective possible.)

This paper introduces one approach to overcome some of the difficulties faced while highlighting gender aspects in monitoring and maximize the benefit gained through monitoring. (What the paper wants to do: to introduce solution, to introduce different perspective, to introduce whatever, etc.)

The paper first discusses why gender monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is needed, and what constitutes gender M&E. Subsequently, the proposed case-based gender process monitoring scheme is introduced, as well as its advantages and disadvantages.
(The steps of paper disposition, step by step.)
The suggested case-based gender process monitoring builds on Mosse’s (2001) process monitoring and the “most significant change” technique of Davies and Dart (2005). (The external sources/ideas used to support the paper’s intention or argument. In this case the source of the concept used, which is “case-based gender process monitoring.”)

It [=paper] relies on stories that are collected in the field, and through discussion of the cases, is aimed not only to collect information for monitoring but also to improve the gender analysis capacity of the project staff. (Explanation of the concept of case-based gender process monitoring especially how it works, its advantages, etc.)

SEAHRN Conference 2012: Important Reminders!

1. A panel will be organized for papers written in Bahasa Indonesia. Abstracts should still be submitted in English. Indicate that you wish to write your full paper in Bahasa Indonesia.

2. SCHOLARSHIP GRANTS ARE UP FOR GRABS! Only qualified and deserving paper presenters can apply for scholarship!

3. Submit your registration form together with your abstract and biography. email them to on or before MAY 25, 2012!

4. Students from Indonesia can volunteer for the conference! Please email for more details!

SEAHRN Konferensi 2012: Menerima Paper!

Konferensi Insternasional
Hak Asasi Manusia, Perdamaian dan
Konflik Se-Asia Tenggara II

Diselenggarakan oleh Southeast Asian Human Rights Studies Network (SEAHRN) dan Sentra Ham, Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Indonesia

Tanggal: 17-18 Oktober 2012
Tempat: Hotel Sari Pan Pacific Jakarta, Indonesia

Setelah penyelenggaraan Konferensi Pertama tentang Hak Asasi Manusia Se-Asia Tenggara sukses diselenggarakan di Bangkok pada Oktober 2010,  kita secara bersama-sama bersepakat untuk menentang budaya diam (terkait dengan HAM) melalui diskusi dan debat mengenai dialektika HAM, studi perdamaian dan konflik di kawasan  Asia Tenggara.  Kemudian, sebagai akademisi dan aktifis HAM, kita juga secara sukarela terpanggil untuk menjadi bagian dari sejarah dengan melakukan perubahan dinamis di Asia Tenggara.  Perubahan yang sangat menuntut partisipasi kita guna menggapai kesejahteraan dan perdamaian yang kita cita-citakan.

Konferensi Internasional Hak Asasi Manusia, Perdamaian dan Konflik Se-Asia Tenggara II yang akan diadakan di Jakarta pada 17-18 Oktober 2012, akan kembali menjadi ajang berkumpulnya akademisi, peneliti, mahasiswa,  masyarakat madani, pemerintah dan perwakilan organisasi internasional yang bekerja dan berkhidmat untuk pengembangan HAM, studi perdamaian dan studi Konflik di Asia Tenggara,  untuk mempresentasikan dan mendiskusikan hal-hal yang terkait dengan HAM  dan studi perdamaian/ konflik, utamanya di bidang-bidang:

1.       Kebebasan Akademik
2.       Universalitas dan Partikularitas Hak Asasi Manusia
3.       Hak Individual dan Hak Kolektif
4.       Gender, Seksualitas dan Hak Asasi Manusia
5.       Hak-hak Kelompok Rentan, dan Kelompok Marjinal
6.       Perdamaian, Konflik, Keamanan dan Hak Asasi Manusia
7.       Tantangan Hak Asasi Manusia di Asia Tenggara
8.       Media, Advokasi, dan Promosi Hak Asasi Manusia
9.       Bisnis dan Hak Asasi Manusia
10.    Hak Asasi Manusia, Perubahan Iklim dan Bencana Alam
11.    Human Security dan Pembangunan Manusia
12.    Hak Asasi Manusia dan Korupsi
13.    Migrasi

Batas Akhir Penyerahan Paper

Calon peserta dapat menyerahkan abstrak yang terdiri dari 300-350 kata dan biografi pendek terdiri dari 150 kata dalam Bahasa Inggris kepada Mr. Joel Mark Barredo di Silahkan mencantumkan kelompok Panel yang diminati terkait dengan paper yang akan dipresentasikan. Keseluruhan paper terdiri dari 5000-6000 kata.


Calon peserta yang diterima akan diumumkan pada bulan Juni 2012.   Terdapat sejumlah Beasiswa dengan jumlah terbatas bagi peserta yang terpilih. Keseluruhan Paper harus diserahkan paling akhir pada 15 September 2012.

SEAHRN Conference 2012: Call for Abstracts!

The Second International Conference on

Organized by the Southeast Asian Human Rights Studies Network (SEAHRN) and the
Human Rights Center , Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia
Date: 17-18 October 2012
Venue: Sari Pan Pacific Jakarta , Indonesia

With the First International Conference on Human Rights in Southeast Asia, together, we defied the culture of silence by engaging in discussions and debates on the dialectics of human rights, peace and conflict in the region. As scholars and activists, we are called to reflexively address specific historical moments, and with the dynamic changes happening in Southeast Asia , our insightful interventions are needed now more than ever.

The Second International Conference on Human Rights and Peace and Conflict in Southeast Asia aims to bring together academics, researchers, graduate and post-graduate students, civil society organizations, governments and inter-governmental organizations representatives who work on the research and greater understanding of human rights and peace and conflict in Southeast Asia, especially in the following areas:

1.   Academic Freedom
2.   Universality and particularity of Human Rights
3.   Individual and Collective Rights
4.   Gender, Sexuality and Human Rights
5.   Rights of Vulnerable and Marginalized groups
6.   Peace, Conflict, Security and Human Rights
7.   Challenges to Human Rights in Southeast Asia
8.   Media, Advocacy and Popularization of Human Rights
9.   Business and Human Rights
10.   Human Rights, Climate Change and Natural Disaster
11.   Human Security and Human Development
12.   Human rights and Corruption
13.   Migration

Paper Submission Details

Those who wish to present a paper at the conference are invited to submit an abstract of 300-350 words and a short biographical paragraph of 150 words in English to Mr. Joel Barredo at Please indicate to which panel your paper is proposed. The full paper should be about 5,000-6,000 words. 

ABSTRACT SUBMISSION:          May 25, 2012  

Successful applicants will be notified by June 2012. Limited number of scholarships will be available. Full papers are due on 15 September 2012.


 Welcome to the official blogsite of the Southeast Asian Human Rights Studies Network (SEAHRN)
 Second International Conference on Human Rights and Peace and Conflict in Southeast Asia!

We are currently fixing the SEAHRN website:

With the First International Conference on Human Rights in Southeast Asia, the Southeast Asian Human Rights Studies Network (SEAHRN) aimed to provide a venue to explore critical contributions by researchers and scholars in deepening the understanding of human rights-based framework and actual issues through in-depth engagement with localized sites within the region. The first conference was attended by nearly five hundred participants and more than one hundred papers were presented during the event.

Through the conference, scholars and activists were invited to reflexively addressed the dynamic changes happening in Southeast Asia and as a result, defied the culture of silence by engaging in discussions and debates on the dialectics of human rights, peace and conflict in the region. One of the main aspirations of the Southeast Asian Human Rights Studies Network (SEAHRN) is to motivate and support scholars, researchers and activists in contributing to the production of knowledge on human, peace and conflict studies in Southeast Asia and this project will open up space for continued dialogue and exchange of knowledge. The Second International Conference on Human Rights and Peace & Conflict would certainly contribute to ensuring a dynamic and vigorous debate on contemporary human rights in the Southeast Asian region.

The Second International Conference on Human Rights and Peace & Conflict in Southeast Asia aims to:
1.Provide a venue for the sharing and dissemination of academic and practical researches on human rights and peace and conflict in Southeast Asia;

2.Promote knowledge and skills among human rights and peace and studies scholars and activists to strengthen indigenous knowledge on human rights and peace and conflict in Southeast Asia;

3.Open up space for dialogue and networking among academics, researchers, postgraduate students, and members of civil society organizations and government and inter-government agency representatives who work on the research and greater understanding of human rights in Southeast Asia.

1. Academic Freedom
2. Universality and particularity of Human Rights
3. Individual and Collective Rights
4. Gender, Sexuality and Human Rights
5. Rights of Vulnerable and Marginalized groups
6. Peace, Conflict, Security and Human Rights
7. Challenges to Human Rights in Southeast Asia
8. Media, Advocacy and Popularization of Human Rights
9. Business and Human Rights
10. Human Rights, Climate Change and Natural Disaster
11. Human Security and Human Development
12. Human rights and Corruption
13. Migration